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Image segmentation aims to simulate the human ability to distinguish significant regions in images and is used in several tasks, such as image editing [8, 9] and medical image analysis [18, 22]. The IFT is a framework that simplifies several image analysis approaches. The IFT presents a computationally efficient algorithm, which calculates an optimum-path forest in a graph from an initial set of seeds. Among the methods used for image segmentation, the IFT stands out for presenting a structure that unifies several segmentation methodologies based on similar concepts. In addition to having several applications in image segmentation [3, 5, 17, 21], its applications also involve border tracking [2, 11], skeletonization [13], clustering [7, 20], and pixel classification [19]. Due to the generalization of its operators, several cost functions were proposed considering different characteristics that best suit each task. However, segmentation methods based on seed competition, such as the IFT, tend to be sensitive to the set of seeds used. Therefore, the choice of seed quantity and position can be decisive for a good result. Due to this limitation, some works have been exploring different iterative approaches, which recalculates the position of the seeds [1, 15, 21] or selects the most relevant ones [4, 5]. Both interactive and iterative segmentation requires multiple segmentations to obtain the final result, which increases the time for the algorithm execution, reducing its efficiency.
In [14] the authors proposed the Differential Image Foresting Transform (DIFT) to calculate multiple sequential IFTs using the previous forest to calculate the next iteration, rather than restarting the process from the beginning. However, the DIFT is limited to Monotonically Incremental (MI) functions. Later, it was possible to do the same with non-monotonic incremental functions (NMI) based on roots, whose proposal was called General DIFT (GDIFT) [10]. In recent years, several works have explored the dynamic cost functions [4, 5, 16], which use tree characteristics to calculate the weights of the arcs, with their use called Dynamic Trees (DT) [6]. The DT functions proved to be able to incorporate object information and proved to be more effective than other approaches [6,12]. Despite the recent IFT-based approaches having looked to iteration a way to make better seed choices, the DT functions with such methods would have a higher computational cost, due to the lack of approaches to perform this computation more efficiently. Therefore, tasks that require a greater computational effort, as is also the case of 3D image segmentation, may become unfeasible without a more efficient solution. Although DIFT and GDIFT present an important step towards the efficient application of iterative and interactive methods based on IFT, their operators are restricted to MI and root-based NMI functions. This limitation prevents its use with more robust operators [6, 12]. Therefore, making time expensive IFT segmentation methods with DT functions for several interactions or iterations, since it needs to compute the whole forest at each iteration/interaction.
In this work, we proposes a differential solution using DT functions. This solution can allow more efficient computation in iterative and iterative algorithms based on IFT using the DT functions. Furthermore, this solution can motivate IFT-based segmentation strategies with new DT functions, as well as provide guidelines for creating differentials for these functions.
In this context, our major goal is to advance the state-of-the-art in functions taking into account the differential image foresting transform:
Caso tenha interesse neste projeto, por favor, preenche este formulário indicando Design differential Image Foresting Transform:
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