IMScience, previously VIPLAB, is a research lab hosted at and certified by PUC Minas (Belo Horizonte Campus, Brazil), and it has started its operation in 2004. The main project areas are: digital image, video and audio processing; multimedia indexing and retrieval; multimedia content analysis. Many projects have been conducted with cooperation of other institutions and/or labs, such as NPDI/DCC/UFMG, IC/UNICAMP, TEXMEX/IRISA and ESIEE/FRANCE. And, besides the projects developed with the participation of several graduate and undergraduate students, IMScience has also been involved in bilateral programs for international cooperation such as FAPEMIG-INRIA, CAPES-BRAFITEC and CAPES-COFECUB.
(in Portuguese) Estamos recrutando alunos de Iniciação Científica e Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso para atuar diversos projetos. Para informações adicionais, acesse Oportunidades. |
A partnership between IMScience and ESCO have started in Dec 2020 in order to apply image analysis to identify ground engaging tool. |
IMScience leads the Observatório COVID at PUC Minas. Other researches groups also participate of this initiative: LEASDLE, Graduate Program in Geography and Graduate Program in Dentistry. |
IMScience was officially considered, in 2020, as an Associated Team of LinkMedia Team (IRISA/France). |
Acceptance of CAPES/COFECUB project involving Brazil-France being coordinated by Prof. Silvio - December, 2018 |
Multimedia information processing (= audio, images, videos, …)
Very large unstructured database (or semi-structured) |
Different modals for describing the information (= multimodality) |
Different ways for describing the information (= multifeature) |
Low - Selection and combining of descriptors/ Data indexing and retrieval |
Medium - Data mining / Identification of components: objs, people, places,… |
High - Knowledge discovery: violency, trend topics, … |
postal address | Computer Science Department, Av. Dom José Gaspar, 500 - Coração Eucarístico - BH/MG/Brazil - CEP: 30535-901 |
office address | Building 20, Office 301 |
facsimile | \(+55 (31) 3319-4613\) |
telephone | \(+55 (31) 3319-4613\) |
sjamil at pucminas dot br | |
www | |