Image and Multimedia Data Science Laboratory (IMSCIENCE)
Image and Multimedia Data Science Laboratory (IMScience)

IMScience, previously VIPLAB, is a research lab hosted at and certified by PUC Minas (Belo Horizonte Campus, Brazil), and it has started its operation in 2004. The main project areas are: digital image, video and audio processing; multimedia indexing and retrieval; multimedia content analysis. Many projects have been conducted with cooperation of other institutions and/or labs, such as NPDI/DCC/UFMG, IC/UNICAMP, TEXMEX/IRISA and ESIEE/FRANCE. And, besides the projects developed with the participation of several graduate and undergraduate students, IMScience has also been involved in bilateral programs for international cooperation such as FAPEMIG-INRIA, CAPES-BRAFITEC and CAPES-COFECUB.


(in Portuguese) Estamos recrutando alunos de Iniciação Científica e Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso para atuar diversos projetos. Para informações adicionais, acesse Oportunidades.
A partnership between IMScience and ESCO have started in Dec 2020 in order to apply image analysis to identify ground engaging tool.
IMScience leads the Observatório COVID at PUC Minas. Other researches groups also participate of this initiative: LEASDLE, Graduate Program in Geography and Graduate Program in Dentistry.
IMScience was officially considered, in 2020, as an Associated Team of LinkMedia Team (IRISA/France).
Acceptance of CAPES/COFECUB project involving Brazil-France being coordinated by Prof. Silvio - December, 2018


Multimedia information processing (= audio, images, videos, …)

Very large unstructured database (or semi-structured)
Different modals for describing the information (= multimodality)
Different ways for describing the information (= multifeature)

Approaches in different levels

Low - Selection and combining of descriptors/ Data indexing and retrieval
Medium - Data mining / Identification of components: objs, people, places,…
High - Knowledge discovery: violency, trend topics, …


postal address Computer Science Department, Av. Dom José Gaspar, 500 - Coração Eucarístico - BH/MG/Brazil - CEP: 30535-901
office address Building 20, Office 301
facsimile \(+55 (31) 3319-4613\)
telephone \(+55 (31) 3319-4613\)
e-mail sjamil at pucminas dot br

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