Image and Multimedia Data Science Laboratory (IMSCIENCE)
Image and Multimedia Data Science Laboratory (IMScience)


We have several possibilities for research, please feel free for contacting us by using this Form

Design differential Image Foresting Transform for dynamic weight functions

We proposes a differential solution using DT functions. This solution can allow more efficient computation in iterative and iterative algorithms based on IFT using the DT functions. Furthermore, this solution can motivate IFT-based segmentation strategies with new DT functions, as well as provide guidelines for creating differentials for these functions.

See iDISF for more information about this subject.

Learning on marker for image segmentation

The aim of this project is to propose, study and train method for helping the user during the iterative image segmentation by automatically suggesting markers.durante um procedimento de segmentação interativa, sugerindo marcadores automaticamente.

See Marker leaning for more information about this subject.